Provider: Diane Mageau, DO

What is your patient care philosophy?

My patient care philosophy is delivering high-quality medical care by following evidence-based medicine resulting in the best clinical outcomes for pediatric patients.

How does your work improve lives?

My work improves lives by giving support and encouragement for patients to do well in school, encouraging safety and prevention from injury like wearing seatbelts and helmets, and explaining why it’s so important to eat right, brush your teeth and get enough sleep at night!

What are some interesting facts about you?

I am extremely proud of her unique path to a career in pediatrics, going back to school after a 10-year career in Quality Management/Healthcare Management. I am a walking billboard that you can achieve anything in life if you put your heart and mind into it. I also am a true believer you should follow your passion in life, caring for sick children is my passion!

What else would you like to share about yourself?

I love to run! I am committed to health and exercise not just in her professional life but her personal life as well. Staying active and eating healthy is the foundation to staying healthy and living a long happy life!
