Enabling Services
To help each patient meet all their health care needs, the health center model goes beyond the primary and preventive health services to include enabling services. Enabling Services to break down barriers to care.
The PCMH Navigator team provides Enabling Services, such as outreach, interpretation, transportation, case management, health insurance eligibility, SNAP assistance, health education, LIHEAP, WIC referrals, housing assistance, employment and education counseling, and information for food bank/meals. In addition, they provide leadership, education, and resources to encourage healthy habits within the community. As the frontline public health workers, our navigators have an unusually close understanding of the community we serve and therefore are trusted members of our team. The trusting relationships enable the PCMH Navigators to serve as a liaison between health and social services and the community, facilitating access to services and improving service delivery quality and cultural competence.
For more information on Enabling Services, call 866.234.8534.
Helpful Links:
Contact your local PCMH Navigator at 866.234.8534 and use the following extensions when prompted or ask for the navigator by location:
Avon Park | Ext. 3062
Dundee | Ext. 2018
Frostproof | Ext. 1005
Haines City | Ext. 2406
Hardee | Ext. 5530
Lake Wales | Ext. 3624
Lakeland | Ext. 5002/5010
Lakeland Pediatrics | Ext. 1708
Mulberry | Ext. 1514
Winter Haven | Ext. 6004
Winter Haven Women and Children | Ext. 4524