Proveedor: Brian Greene, MD

¿Cuál es su filosofía de atención al paciente?

To improve the quality of life and wellness of every patient, regardless of their socioeconomic status or life expectancy.

¿Qué le gustaría que la gente supiera sobre usted como médico/proveedor?

I hold an MD degree from the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine.  I am board certified in Family Medicine from the ABFM and completed residency training in Winter Haven with FSU/BayCare Family Medicine Residency Program. I have done many things in my life, but I am always the most fulfilled when I serve others.

¿Cómo su trabajo mejora vidas?

As physicians, we have a unique opportunity to treat the whole patient.  Improving the quality of life for our patients only starts with diagnosis and treatment.

¿Cuáles son algunos datos interesantes sobre ti?

I am a long time Rotarian, I have 3 children, I love sailing and being on the water, and I enjoy riding anything with 2 wheels.
